
Personal care services

Dementia care is all about giving you the support you need to carry on living at home.


Dementia Care

What is Dementia?

Dementia describes a range of symptoms that can be caused by specific diseases, such as Parkinson’s that affect the brain and cause a deterioration in function.

These symptoms include:

  • Memory Loss
  • Confusion
  • Poor judgement
  • Loss of Facial Recognition

Dementia is one of the most common conditions that affect the elderly – 1 in 14 people over the age of 65 have dementia. It can cause suffering and stress for not only the person themselves, but loved ones and can impact greatly on day to day life. People with dementia can lose interest in their usual activities, and may have problems managing their behaviour or emotions. They may also find social situations difficult and lose interest in relationships and socialising.

The symptoms of dementia usually become worse over time. In the late stage of dementia, people will not be able to take care of themselves and may lose their ability to communicate.

We can help.

Care workers with specific training and experience in Dementia can help manage the symptoms. Our personal care services include customized care packages designed to support individuals in facing the ongoing challenges of dementia while maintaining connections with the world and loved ones whenever possible.

We do this by:

  • Our personal care services include ongoing assessment and re-evaluation of the dementia care package, personally carried out by one of our qualified care managers.
  • Working with health care professionals to provide the best medical help and advice possible
  • Working and supporting family members with services such as respite and overnight care is an essential part of our personal care services, ensuring comfort, relief, and quality support for both individuals and their loved ones.
  • Providing escorting services to stay connected to the world, outdoor activities and loved ones
  • Providing care workers specifically trained in dementia care is a key part of our personal care services, ensuring specialized support and compassionate assistance for those in need.

For more information about Dementia, follow one of the links below:

NHS Dementia Guide : Click here for more information

Alzheimers UK : Click here for more information

Dementia UK : Click here for more information

Get in Touch

Fill in the form and we’ll give you a call to discuss how we can help.